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Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Welcome to our FAQ section. Here, you’ll find answers to common questions about using Sid, covering everything from technical setup and integration to ad creation and performance. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to our support team for help.

Technical Setup and Integration

Can Sid integrate with our existing systems?

Do I need to install tracking code on my website?

How can we access the data from the campaigns?

How do I accept your access request on Meta?

Is there another way of giving Sid access to Meta?

How do I accept your request on Linkedin?

More questions? Contact us.

We hope this FAQ section has been helpful. If you still have any questions, we’re here to assist. Visit our contact page for any additional inquiries or press the "Contact us" button to send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you and are excited to help you enhance your marketing efforts with Sid!

Person-targeted ad engine helping B2B SaaS scale-ups influence key decision makers and generate warm leads.

Västra Hamngatan 11

411 17 Gothenburg

© 2024 Sid Marketing. Company reg.no 559430-5855

Person-targeted ad engine helping B2B SaaS scale-ups influence key decision makers and generate warm leads.

Västra Hamngatan 11

411 17 Gothenburg

© 2024 Sid Marketing.

Company reg.no 559430-5855

Person-targeted ad engine helping B2B SaaS scale-ups influence key decision makers and generate warm leads.

Västra Hamngatan 11

411 17 Gothenburg

© 2024 Sid Marketing.

Company reg.no 559430-5855

Person-targeted ad engine helping B2B SaaS scale-ups influence key decision makers and generate warm leads.

Västra Hamngatan 11

411 17 Gothenburg

© 2024 Sid Marketing. Company reg.no 559430-5855

Person-targeted ad engine helping B2B SaaS scale-ups influence key decision makers and generate warm leads.

Västra Hamngatan 11

411 17 Gothenburg

© 2024 Sid Marketing. Company reg.no 559430-5855